We’re delighted that you’ve come to our website, and we invite you to benefit from our no-cost Calendar template for January 2022 Calendar. The month of January is comprised of 31 days and two major national important holidays: New Year’s Day (Saturday, 1st January 2022) and Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Monday 17th January 2022).
It is a unique month, not just since it is the month that marks the beginning of the New Year but also because it is named in honor of Janus, who was the Roman god of Doors.
You can imagine this is because January symbolizes the beginning of a new chance and a new beginning. It’s similar to the American metaphor, which also states that the new opportunities open the doors to new possibilities: “when one door closes, the other doors are opened.”
In addition, it is believed that the Roman god of Janus is also known as the god with two faces. It is also related to the beginning of the year, as Janus can see the past through one of his faces and the future using the other. Check out next month best template February 2022 Calendar
The concept of two faces is a factor in the unique conditions that January brings to opposite Northern and Southern hemispheres of the world. January is widely regarded as the winter’s coldest month for those living just north of the equator and the hottest in the countries below.
In the past, January didn’t even exist as a month. The first design for the Roman calendar was only ten months. It was only later in 700 BCE that February and January were created to create the calendar of 12 months that we use in the present.
In the year 450 BCE, January was made January the month that started the year in contrast to that of the eleventh. You wouldn’t believe it, but it took until 46 BCE for January to get 31 days. Before the discovery by astronomers of leap years, the month of January was given only 30 days.
If you are born on 1st January, they’re blessed with an exquisite red birthstone, referred to as garnet. Garnet is available in a wide variety of colors, but it is the one that is usually associated with January birthdays.
In addition, there are two different flowers for the people born in January, such as snowdrops and carnations. Carnations vary in shades and species, while the snowdrop is famous for its white bell-shaped flower facing the ground.

New Year’s Day: Following the Gregorian Calendar, New Year is the first day of the year. It is always the day following the single week of Previous Christmas Day. Except for Israel, it is a holiday that is celebrated throughout the world.
Many people still follow the Julian calendar. They observe New Year on 14th January. It marks the start of the year. Calendar; many believe it to be the holiest day; as a result, most people begin the New Year on that day.
Australia Day: When India celebrates its Republic day on 26th January on the same day, Australia celebrates Australia Day. Australia Day is a Public Holiday and is celebrated each year throughout Australia.
The day was celebrated in 1788 when Australia Day was first observed when the First Fleet of British Ships arrived at Port Jackson of New South Wales and raised the national flag Great Britain by Captain Arthur Phillip. If Australia Day lies on Saturday or Sunday, there is shifted to Monday.
Makar Sankranti: Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti is also known as “Mela,” “Bhogi,” “Maghi,” Magha.” It is a Hindus celebration that is celebrated all across India. This day is usually focused on the Sun. It is celebrated every 14th January.
The festival is celebrated across diverse states and has different names and ways of celebrating. In Punjab, the festival is known as Lohri, and the celebration in Uttar Pradesh is called Kicheri; South India Pongal is celebrated.