Free Printable August 2020 Calendar
Free Printable August 2020 Calendar, You have all notices that August month comes between July and September. This Month With 31 days, it occupies its space in the Eight positions in the Gregorian Calendar. In the Roman calendar, it lies in the Sixth Position and comes from the Latin word Sextillis. August’s name comes from Augustus Caesar, who become the Roman Council in this Month. It never starts on the same day of the week, like any other month in the common years, but it ends on the same day of the week as November.
August is just coming very soon, and people will start searching for the August Calendar. We have some mind-blowing calendars which you will like. Not only for August, but we also have all month calendars with a stylish and elegant look. These are downloadable in available in many formats like MS Word, PDF, jpg.

Free Printable 2020 August Calendar
Well, these calendars are used in many ways, but two main ways that most people prefer or like to do. First is you can download these calendars and put them as the wallpaper of the laptop, mobile, etc. another one is you may take the print out of these calendars and can stick it in the best place.
After that, you may paste some stickers or add your creativity to make according to your self. The first method is indeed more comfortable to use. But the second method offers you to add your creativity to it. Now it’s your turn, select the best calendar and practice to use. If you have any questions related to the above blog comment on the comment section.

Free Printable Calendar August 2020
Independence Day – Independence Day is a proud day for all Indian Citizens. On 15 August 1947, India gains its freedom from British Rule and become the Sovereign Nation. Due to this on 15 August 1947, the first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru host the flag on the Lahori gate of Red Fort in Delhi. And this tradition is still following. Various cultural functions like patriotic dance, songs are held on that day, Parade by the different group of forces is doing there.
Eid Al Adha – Eid Al Adha also knows as Eid Qurban or the Festival of the Sacrifice. It is celebrated by Muslims worldwide. This year it is coming from 30 July to 31 July. This day is dedicated to Abraham, who sacrifices his Son on god’s order. This day Muslims go to the mosque for doing pray. This day people mostly give Qurbani of Goat, which is separated into three Shares. One share go the relatives and the second one is share with needy or poor people, the last one is kept for home.
Civic Holiday – In Canada, Civic Holiday is also called August Holiday. It will celebrate every First Monday of August Month. This day also some other names like British Columbia Day, New Brunswick Day, Saskatchewan Day. In Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Ontario, it is Public Holiday; all the schools, shops, offices were closed that day. Many events are organized to represent their culture, history, and achievements.